fast fourier transform serving filter design
- 2022-05-14 13:41:02下载
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- 2023-07-28 06:10:04下载
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使用 c + + 静态霍夫曼 (包括说明进行操作)
-第一,该程序将扫描压缩的文件并将输入的字符保存在文件中,(nhapDuLieu 函数),然后按常规字符出现的顺序进行排序。-接下来,用来加密数据,以创建哈夫曼树由 taoCayHuffman 方法 ()。数据将存储在输出文件中。后来当解码使用所存储的数据来生成用于减压的哈夫曼树。-使用 ListNode 是双重链接列表 HuffmanNode 存储。每个 HuffmanNode 7 组件,包括光标,左、 右。 + 符号是字符。 + 频率是相匹配的字符个数。 + 码字是对应的二进制数字的十进制表示形式。例如码字的 A 为 3,它对应于二进制代码 011。 + CodewordLen 存储位码字数量,以避免与 0011 混淆或 11 011 或 00011......+ RunLen 长度的字符的编码 () 操作相同原则: 例如,在原始输入文件中包含的字符串 AAAB,AAA 和码字存储在 110," 包 " 将节省码字它作为 4 个字节 (32 位),万人......为 000110 (32 位)。然后 B 是在存储和处理,B 的码字是 01-> 保存到 " 包 " 通过添加左侧 " 包 " 以前-> 000 个。000 110 01 (也就是 32 位) — — 的运作原则解码 (): 解码 () 操作简单编码 ()。首次创建数组数据 [] 用方法 nhapDoThuongXuyen (),然后由 taoCayHuffman () 构造的哈夫曼树最后在函数中解码的树和原始字符串 () 扫描
- 2022-10-30 11:20:02下载
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常用算法的C程序。主要内容包括多项式的计算、复数运算、随机数的产生、矩阵运算、矩阵特征值与特征向量的计算、线性代数方程组的求解、非线性方程与方程组的求解、插值与逼近、数值积分、常微分方程组的求解、数据处理、极值问题的求解、数学变换与滤波、特殊函数的计算、排序和查找。-Commonly used algorithm of C procedures. Include polynomial terms, complex computation, random number generation, matrix operations, matrix eigenvalue and eigenvector calculations, linear algebra equations, nonlinear equations with the equations, interpolation and approximation, numerical integration, solving ordinary differential equations, data processing, for solving extremum problems, mathematical transformation and filtering, the calculation of special functions, sorting and search.
- 2022-10-31 12:55:03下载
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cmu车辆检测以及跟踪程序,采用光流法计算,-CMU vehicle detection and tracking procedures, the use of optical flow method,
- 2023-06-07 00:06:55下载
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issue a travel home to travel home to drive a car with the minimum of cost yi us...
旅行家问题 一个旅行家想驾驶汽车以最少的费yi 用从一个城市到另一个城市(假设出发时油箱是空的)。给定两个城市之间的距离为D1、汽车油箱的容量为C(以升为单位),每升汽油能行驶的距离为 D2,出发点每升汽油价格P和沿途油站数N(N可以为零),油站i离出发点距离Di,每升汽油价格Pi(i=1,2...N)。计算结果四舍五入至小数点后两位。 如果无法到达目的地,则输出“No Solution"。-issue a travel home to travel home to drive a car with the minimum of cost yi used from one city to another city (assuming starting at the fuel tank was empty). Given the two cities for the distance between D1, car fuel tank capacity of the C (in liters) per liter petrol traveling distance to the D2, the starting point liter gasoline prices P and several petrol stations along the N (N can be zero), PFS i distance from the starting point Di per liter Steam oil prices Pi (i = 1,2 ... N). Calculation results rounded to two decimal places. If unable to reach their destination, the export of "No Solution."
- 2023-09-07 00:25:03下载
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- 2022-03-11 08:43:15下载
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Driver Fatigue Detection Based on Eye Tracking
- 2022-03-18 05:38:51下载
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小四轴的源码以及原理图 #include "led.h"#include "delay.h"#include "sys.h"#include "key.h"#include "usart.h"#include "exti.h"#include "wdg.h"#include "timer.h"#include "pwm.h"#include "lcd.h"#include "MPU6050.h"#include "lsm330.h"u8 SPI1_Buffer_Rx1[6]="432423";s16 SPI1_Buffer_Rx[30];u8 k = 0;void SPI_Configuration(){ SPI_InitTypeDef SPI_InitStructure; /* SPI1 Config -------------------------------------------------------------*/ SPI_InitStructure.SPI_Direction = SPI_Direction_2Lines_FullDuplex; SPI_InitStructure.SPI_Mode = SPI_Mode_Master; SPI_InitStructure.SPI_DataSize = SPI_DataSize_8b; SPI_InitStructure.SPI_CPOL = SPI_CPOL_High; SPI_
- 2023-03-12 15:55:03下载
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operation of the polynomial.sdffhsfuehwauhczjcjz:)
多项式运算,金卡国军阿肯将啊阿姐扛大个记阿肯见阿啊啊可见嘎卡带剑法口腔科阿,啊可见嘎-operation of the polynomial.sdffhsfuehwauhczjcjz:)
- 2023-03-23 07:00:03下载
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