首页 » 电子书 » 继承运算放大器应用电路集锦,望笑纳,别见效,多提意见多开玩笑,...


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继承运算放大器应用电路集锦,望笑纳,别见效,多提意见多开玩笑,-succession Operational Amplifiers circuit Gallery, Pillar heart, do not fix their criticism more than a joke. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha



0 个回复

  • author's humorous style, I like his writing style of writing. Scherzo from t...
    作者的风格幽默,我喜欢他写作的文笔.从诙谐的语言里,我们可以了解更多关于编程的原则.-author"s humorous style, I like his writing style of writing. Scherzo from the language, We can learn more about the principles of programming.
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    这是一个图书管理系统的软件,能实现图书的存取、删除、借书、还书、和权限等功能,给这方面的编程人员有很大的帮助。-This is a library management system software, able to book access, delete, library, book, the functions and powers, to which the programmer will be very helpful.
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  • Windows图形编程 由CSDN大牛 袁峰写的,中文版!好不容易才找到.
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    RECOMMENDATION ITU-R M.1653*,** Operational and deployment requirements for wireless access systems including radio local area networks in the mobile service to facilitate sharing between these systems and systems in the Earth exploration-satellite service (active) and the space research service (active) in the band 5 470-5 570 MHz within the 5 460 5 725 MHz range
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  • 这个是C#的简单帮助文档,CSDN上找到的,有300多人下载过此PDF C#是一种简单、现代、面向对象和类型安全的编程语言,由 C和C++发展而来。C#(发...
    这个是C#的简单帮助文档,CSDN上找到的,有300多人下载过此PDF C#是一种简单、现代、面向对象和类型安全的编程语言,由 C和C++发展而来。C#(发音为“C 霎普”)牢固地植根于 C和 C++语言族谱中,并且会很快被 C和 C++程序员所熟悉。C#的目标在于把 Visual Basic的高生产力和 C++本身的能力结合起来。 C#作为Microsoft Visual Studio 7.0的一部分提供给用户。除了 C#以外,Visual Studio还支持Visual Basic、Visual C++和描述语言VBScript和Jscript。所有这些语言都提供对Microsoft .NET平台的访问能 力,它包括一个通用的执行引擎和一个丰富的类库。Microsoft .NET平台定义了一个“通用语言子集” (CLS),是一种混合语言,它可以增强 CLS兼容语言和类库间的无缝协同工作能力。对于 C#开发者, 这意味着既是 C#是一种新的语言,它已经可以对用老牌工具如Visual Basic和 Visual C++使用的丰富类 库进行完全访问。C#自己并没有包含一个类库。 -This is a simple C# Help, CSDN found, there are more than 300 people downloaded this PDF C# is a simple, modern, object-oriented and type-safe programming language, from C and C++ developed from. C# (pronounced "C Sharp S & P ") firmly rooted in the C and C++ language in genealogy, and will soon be C and C++ programmers are familiar with. C# The target is to High productivity of Visual Basic and C++ their own capacities. C# as a Microsoft Visual Studio 7.0 as part
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