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C语言实战105例/王为青, 陈圣亮编著 北京

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C语言实战105例/王为青, 陈圣亮编著 北京-人民邮电出版社 2007 光盘源码及可运行程序 附注项:共汇集了105个实例,内容循序渐进,通过实例讲述C语言编程。全书分为8章,包括基础篇、数值计算与数据结构篇、文本屏幕与文件操作篇、病毒与安全篇等。 附注项: C语言程序设计人员。 -105 cases of actual C language/Wang Qing, edited by Chen Sheng-liang Beijing- People" s Posts & Telecom Press, 2007 Source CD-ROM and run the program Note: The total collection of 105 examples of the contents of step-by-step through the examples on the C programming language. The topics are divided into 8 chapters, including basic articles, numerical computing and data structure articles, screen text articles and documents to operate, such as virus and security papers. Note item: C language programmers.



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