首页 » 电子书 » 本书提供了从不同层次理解移动IP所需的完整内容。介绍了移动IP运行的环境,描述了移动IP需解决的各种问题、解决问题的方式以及在若干配置实例中移动IP应用的方式。...


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本书提供了从不同层次理解移动IP所需的完整内容。介绍了移动IP运行的环境,描述了移动IP需解决的各种问题、解决问题的方式以及在若干配置实例中移动IP应用的方式。还介绍了移动IP应用过程中遇到的各种安全威胁的情况,并列举了解决安全威胁的各种技术。本书共分四部分14章,内容丰富、实用,是网络管理员、网络设计者和准备实现移动IP的人员的必备之书。 -This book provides a different level of understanding required for a complete IP mobile content. Introduce the operation of the mobile IP environment, describes the Mobile IP issues to be resolved, problem-solving approach and in a number of configuration examples of the application of mobile IP approach. Also introduce the mobile IP applications encountered in a variety of security threats, and solve the security threats listed in the various techniques. The book is divided into four parts, 14 chapters, rich in content and practical, is a network administrator, network designer and ready to realize mobile IP-essential personnel of the book.



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