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This book is Brian W. Kernighan and Rob Pike s important new book co

于 2022-03-23 发布 文件大小:7.62 MB
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本书是Brian W. Kernighan和Rob Pike合著的最新力作。本书从排错、测试、性能、可移植性、设计、界面、风格和记法等方面, 讨论了程序设计中实际的、又是非常深刻和具有广泛意义的思想、技术和方法,它的翻译出版将填补国内目前这方面书籍的空白。 本书值得每个梦想并努力使自己成为优秀程序员的人参考,值得每个计算机专业的学生和计算机工作者阅读,也可作为程序设计高级课程的教材或参考书。 -This book is Brian W. Kernighan and Rob Pike s important new book co-author. This book from the debugging, testing, performance, portability, design, interface, style and notation, etc., discussed the procedures for the design of practical, it is very deep and broad-sense ideas, techniques and methods, and its translated and published to fill the current gaps in this regard books. This book is worth every dream and strive to become good programmers reference, it is worth every computer students and computer workers to read and program design can also be used as advanced courses in materials or reference books.



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