首页 » 汇编语言 » 设计要求: 出于不同目的的旅客对交通工具有不同的要求.例如,因公出差的旅客希望在旅途中的时间尽可能短,出门旅游的游客则期望旅费尽可能省,而老年旅客则要求中...

设计要求: 出于不同目的的旅客对交通工具有不同的要求.例如,因公出差的旅客希望在旅途中的时间尽可能短,出门旅游的游客则期望旅费尽可能省,而老年旅客则要求中...

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设计要求: 出于不同目的的旅客对交通工具有不同的要求.例如,因公出差的旅客希望在旅途中的时间尽可能短,出门旅游的游客则期望旅费尽可能省,而老年旅客则要求中转次数最少.编制一个全国城市间的交通咨询程序,为旅客提供两种或三种最优决策的交通咨询. //请保留此信息,谢谢 1.需求分析: (1)提供对城市信息进行编辑(如添加或删除)的功能. (2)城市之间有两种交通工具:火车和飞机.提供对列车时刻表和飞机航班进行编辑(增设或删除)的功能. (3)提供两种最优决策:最快到达或最省钱到达.全程只考虑一种交通工具. -design requirements : For different purposes to transport passengers have different requirements. For example, on official business travelers in the journey time as short as possible away tourists expect possible travel provinces, and elderly passengers asked the least number of transit. establishment of a national inter-city traffic advisory proceedings, for the visitors two or three best decision of the Transport Advisory.// Please keep this information, I would like to thank one. demand analysis : (1) to provide information on the city for editing (such as add or delete) function. (2) Town between the two modes : Train and aircraft. Schedules for the train and flights for editing (created or deleted) function. (3)



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