基于XML的Web服务被广泛认为是分布式计算技术的重要发展方向。在业界众多公司的推动下,人们对于逐渐形成的各种Web服务的相关技术与标准越来越关心。 本书主要介...
基于XML的Web服务被广泛认为是分布式计算技术的重要发展方向。在业界众多公司的推动下,人们对于逐渐形成的各种Web服务的相关技术与标准越来越关心。 本书主要介绍如何使用ASP.NET创建高水平的Weh服务。书中介绍了Web服务架构的核心标准,并通过实例说明了这些标准如何集成到ASP.NET中。本书还通过深入分析代码实例介绍了创建和使用Web服务的技术。本书最后介绍了三个综合的案例研究,每一个案例研究都演示了一个完整的Web服务应用程序的解决方案。 本书面向具有一定经验的中高级ASP.NET程序员。 -XML-based Web services that are widely distributed computing technology is an important development direction. Many companies in the industry under the impetus, People are gradually formed the Web services technology and standards are becoming increasingly concerned. The book describes how to use ASP.NET to create a high standard of service Weh. The book introduced a Web services architecture core standards, and illustrates how these standards integrated into ASP.NET. The book also through in-depth analysis of the code examples on the creation and use of Web services technology. The book introduced the final three integrated case studies, Each case study is a demonstration of a complete Web services application solutions. The writing ha