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DLL in the preparation process. Static and dynamic library of distinction, and t...

于 2022-03-21 发布 文件大小:75.30 kB
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动态链接库程序的编写。静态库与动态库的区别,以及调用程序在链接静态库和动态库时的区别。如何利用工具查看动态链接库输出的函数,Depends工具的使用,C++编译器名字改编技术对动态链接库输出函数的影响,extern "C"的用法,利用模块定义文件来解决C++名字改编的问题。用typedef定义指向函数的指针类型,如何获得动态连接库里的函数的指针。-DLL in the preparation process. Static and dynamic library of distinction, and the procedure call link static and dynamic library distinction. How to use the tool View DLL exporting the function Depends the use of tools C compiler technology adapted to name DLL function of the output, extern "C" for the usage, use module definition files to resolve the C adaptation of the name. Typedef definitions used at the function pointer type, how to obtain 13-17 Dynamic Link function of the target.



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