首页 » WEB(ASP,PHP,...) » 零点站点管理系统采用独特的分离技术,使前后台都达到自由模块化。您不仅可以利用手中的已有模板或自己设计的页面做出独具风格的网站,同时还可以按照特殊需随意增删后台模...


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零点站点管理系统采用独特的分离技术,使前后台都达到自由模块化。您不仅可以利用手中的已有模板或自己设计的页面做出独具风格的网站,同时还可以按照特殊需随意增删后台模块,以满足不同场合的功能需求,达到整个系统的精简化,量身化。系统充分应用了缓存技术,让你的首页流畅载入,而不因为调用数据库记录的增加而导致页面迟缓。完善的会员系统,会员同时拥有积分制,权限制,时间制,可针对网站所有主模块实现会员权限分级查看。简单易用的函数精灵+函数文档为不同层次的用户提供了使用帮助,您只要会点鼠标,就可以调用出符合自己需要的网站系统,而且这些操作可以在你熟悉的任何一款编辑器完成。-0.1 Site Management System uses a unique separation technology, Taiwan has reached around free modular. You can have use of the template or design their own pages to make a stylized website, and also in accordance with the special need to be added or deleted background modules to meet different occasions functional requirements, to streamline the whole system, measuring of. The use of the system cache technology, the Home let you include fluency, but not because of the call database records caused by increased pages slow. Members of the perfect system, Member also have integral system, the right to limit the time the system can address all the main site module View Member classification authority. Easy-to-use



0 个回复

  • features : one, a variety of styles produced statistical charts, including colum...
    功能特点: 1、多种样式统计图表制作,包括柱状图,折线图,饼图,柏拉图等;2、输出多种格式文件,包括BMP,JPG,GIF等格式,输出质量自定义; 3、可在任意位置添加线条、文字、图片;4、可将统计结果直接输出到浏览器,包括BMP,JPG和GIF格式;5、柱状图表支持序列数据组比较;6、图表填充方式支持图片填充;7、数十个属性灵活控制图表布局和外观;8、组件用于WEB开发时只需要服务器端注册即可,无须客户端安装。9、性能稳定,消耗系统资极少,无内存泄-features : one, a variety of styles produced statistical charts, including column, Plotting, pie, Plato; 2, a variety of output formats, including BMP, GIF, JPG format, the quality of output from the definition; 3, in any position to add lines , text, graphics; 4, the results can be output directly to the browser, including BMP, JPG and GIF formats; 5, column sequence data support group; 6, charts support in the form of pictures filled filling; 7, dozens of attributes flexible layout and control charts Appearance; 8, components for Web developers only need to be registered server, not the client installation. 9, stable performance, consume very little funding, no memory China
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  • the voice of the functions : 1. Messages can set the two models (1) normal (2) e...
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