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Features: Financial Management: to be able to deal with accounting documents, ca...

于 2022-03-21 发布 文件大小:29.62 MB
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功能特点: 财务管理:能够进行会计凭证处理、现金费用、一般费用、其它收入、待摊费用摊销、固定资产变动、固定资产折旧处理、提现存现业务、财务调帐、库存商品成本调整、期初收入和费用的调整;能够对往来单位的员工借还款业务进行单独管理,自动生成经营所需的费用、现金银行、其它收入、固定资产等统计报表;能够对往来单位的员工借款进行单独管理。 采购业务:采购订单处理、按单结算、分批分期收货、采购付款、采购退货、预设售价设置、库存上限下限报警、运输单位的费用统计。-Features: Financial Management: to be able to deal with accounting documents, cash expenses, general expenses, other income, amortization of deferred expenses, changes in fixed assets, fixed assets depreciation treatment, are mentioned the existing business, financial stock cost adjustment, beginning of the adjustment of income and expenses between units to be able to borrow to repay the staff to carry out a separate business management, automatic generation of operating costs, cash banking, other income, fixed assets, such as statistics able to employees between the units to carry out a separate loan Procurement operations: purchase order processing, according to a single settlement, in batches receiving installments, payments purchases, purchase returns, the



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