首页 » WEB(ASP,PHP,...) » 080804增加了数据库备份还原功能,修正部分代码 1.轩圆学生信息管理系统是基于ASP环境开发的B/S架构管理系统,采用Access数据库驱动(可转...

080804增加了数据库备份还原功能,修正部分代码 1.轩圆学生信息管理系统是基于ASP环境开发的B/S架构管理系统,采用Access数据库驱动(可转...

于 2022-03-19 发布 文件大小:55.60 kB
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080804增加了数据库备份还原功能,修正部分代码 1.轩圆学生信息管理系统是基于ASP环境开发的B/S架构管理系统,采用Access数据库驱动(可转为SQL数据库); 2.系统主要功能分为学籍管理和成绩管理两个模块; 3.每个模块都提供完善的数据导入、导出和查询功能; 4.成绩查询可匿名查询,但必须输入对应的学号和姓名; 5.可查询学生的历史考试成绩数据并进行对比; 6.拥有完善的日志管理和系统用户分级管理功能; 7.进入帐号密码:admin -080,804 an increase of the database backup and restore functions, to amend part of the code 1. Xuan yen Student Information Management System is based on the ASP environment for the development of B/S structure of management system, using Access database-driven (may be turned into a SQL database) 2. System main functions of sub- for school management and performance management of the two modules 3. Each module has to provide better data import, export and query functions 4. Inquiries can be anonymous query results, but the school must enter the corresponding number and name 5. can be found test scores of students of history and comparative data 6. a comprehensive log management and system user classification management function 7. t



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