首页 » 嵌入式系统 » 给出了一种基于$3C2410嵌入式SoC的网络视频会议终端的实现方案,在具体分析了软件测试中出现的H.263视频编解码及MicroWindows视频显示效率低的...


于 2022-03-18 发布 文件大小:260.09 kB
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给出了一种基于$3C2410嵌入式SoC的网络视频会议终端的实现方案,在具体分析了软件测试中出现的H.263视频编解码及MicroWindows视频显示效率低的问题后,通过对H.263编解码器中的DCT分块变换、运动估计算法及GUI的FrameBuffer视频显示,进行了有针对性的改进工作,使软件充分利用了嵌入式S3C-2410的硬件资源,从而满足了嵌入式网络终端实时视频通信的实用需要.-This paper presents a $ 3C2410-based SoC embedded network video conferencing terminals to achieve the program in a specific analysis of the software testing appear in H. 263 video codec and video display Microwindows the problem of low efficiency, the adoption of H. 263 codec in the DCT block transform, motion estimation algorithm and the GUI of the framebuffer video display, had been targeted to improve the work, so that full advantage of the embedded software S3C-2410



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