首页 » Dialog_Window » Click of a button, another dialog box pop Demo of the first step: add (Insert Di...

Click of a button, another dialog box pop Demo of the first step: add (Insert Di...

于 2022-03-18 发布 文件大小:24.10 kB
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点击按钮,弹出另一个对话框的Demo 第一步:添加(Insert Dialog)要弹出的Dialog,根据自己需要可以设计界面,因为我是一个简单Demo,所以很简单! 第二步:为添加的Dialog添加建立成一个继承DLG的类,class CDialog1 : public CDialog 第三步:在主对话框中为按钮添加函数。如下: void CClickDialogDlg::OnButton1() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here CDialog1 dlg dlg.DoModal() } 不要忘记#include "Dialog1.h"-Click of a button, another dialog box pop Demo of the first step: add (Insert Dialog) to the pop-up Dialog, according to their own needs can be designed interface, because I am a simple Demo, so very simple! Step two: add Dialog to add the establishment of a succession of DLG class, class CDialog1: public CDialog third step: in the main dialog box for the button to add the function. As follows: void CClickDialogDlg:: OnButton1 () (//TODO: Add your control notification handler code here CDialog1 dlg dlg.DoModal ()) do not forget# Include



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