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DEV C++实例源代码

于 2022-03-18 发布 文件大小:4.13 kB
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0 个回复

  • Produced by the use of Visual Basic music player, the audio codec. Function is s...
    利用Visual Basic制作的音乐播放器,实现音频的编解码。功能类似于千千静听,可以导入音乐文件夹,编辑lrc歌词等各项功能。很好用,附上源码,供大家参考学习。-Produced by the use of Visual Basic music player, the audio codec. Function is similar to TTPlayer, you can import the music folder, and edit the various functions such as lrc lyrics. Good use, accompanied by source code for your reference study.
    2023-03-12 13:30:03下载
  • 实现了鼠标画图功能: 左键点击,在客户区出现一个图形标记,按住左键拖动,则可绘制图形,双击右键,清除客户区的所有图形。...
    实现了鼠标画图功能: 左键点击,在客户区出现一个图形标记,按住左键拖动,则可绘制图形,双击右键,清除客户区的所有图形。-Implementation of the mouse drawing functions: left click in the client area of a graphic mark, hold down the left drag, you can draw graphics, double-click the right to remove all the graphics client area.
    2022-11-11 07:50:03下载
  • Taiwan students to write an algorithm for solving the ant problem tsp
    台湾的一个学生写的 蚁群算法解决tsp问题-Taiwan students to write an algorithm for solving the ant problem tsp
    2022-02-02 00:58:19下载
  • With a good Redo, Undo function routines, definitely worth a visit.
    一个很好的带有Redo,Undo功能的例程,绝对值得一看.-With a good Redo, Undo function routines, definitely worth a visit.
    2022-05-29 00:00:39下载
  • 获取当前机器中可用的COM端口数量!
    获取当前机器中可用的COM端口数量!-access to the current machine available COM port count!
    2023-01-24 10:25:04下载
  • C #RadioButtonDemo
    单选按钮包括 RadioButtonEx dll 和 RadioButtonDemo,一个经过重绘美化的Radiobutton控件,可直接拿来用,包含着C #的RadioButtonEx的DLL的源码及编译好的二进制文件,也包含RadioButtonDemo测试程序。
    2022-12-06 15:20:03下载
  • 数独游戏C++代码,在VC6.0下运行在控制台上,使用回溯法解决,…
    数独游戏解算C++代码,在vc6.0上运行,控制台,使用回溯法解决,首先输出的是一个满足规则的数独例子,接着可以自己输入已知点的个数及其坐标、数字(要求不能违反规则),然后会生成满足条件的一个例子。-Sudoku solver C++ Code, in vc6.0 run on the console, use backtracking to solve, first of all to meet the output is a single example of a few rules, and then can enter the number of known points and coordinates, numbers (request can not be against the rules), and then meet the conditions will generate an example.
    2023-03-24 18:10:03下载
  • 搜易站内搜索引擎
    搜易站内搜索引擎(SearchEasy Site Search Engine)是面向互联网网站的站内搜索解决方案,其针对网站使用数据库搜索性能差,体验差等问题,将搜索引擎技术应用于站内搜索;本系统具备中文分词,智能摘要,关键词高亮等技术,可与数据库无缝集成,目前支持MS SQL 2000/2005,My SQL数据库。 搜易站内搜索引擎 3.2 更新日志:2016-03-01 1,整理系统设置页面,从混乱的单一页面模式,分解为功能划分清晰
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  • 如何创建临时文件
    如何创建临时文件-how to create temporary files
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  • 编辑框源码,实用性很高
    编辑框源码,实用性很高-edit box source, high practicality
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