BMForum,最新更新: 上传图片水印 敏感关键词极限频率 安装程序自动检测编码 显示“我参与的主题” By Arbir 备份短信...
BMForum,最新更新: 上传图片水印 敏感关键词极限频率 安装程序自动检测编码 显示“我参与的主题” By Arbir 备份短信、邀请、Tags 根据分版用户组和限制性查看的权限设置,决定是否隐藏版块 主题沉底功能 -Extreme, the latest update : Watermark posted limit frequency sensitive Keywords installation procedure automatically detect coding shows that the "I participated in the theme" By Arb ir backup messaging, invitation Tags under sub-version user group and restrictive access to the authority set up, decide whether hidden theme sink to the bottom plate function