题目:设有一航班售票系统,要求完成以下功能: 1)假设该民航有若干航班,要求实现增加航班和取消某个航班的功能。 2)查询:根据用户提出的终到站查询航班号...
题目:设有一航班售票系统,要求完成以下功能: 1)假设该民航有若干航班,要求实现增加航班和取消某个航班的功能。 2)查询:根据用户提出的终到站查询航班号、售票情况等航班信息;也可根据航班号,列出该航班已订票的乘客名单。 3)订票:根据航班号为客户订票,如该航班有余票,则为客户订票;如该航班已满员,则显示相应信息。 4)退票:按乘客要求退出已预定的机票。 -Topic: First flight with the ticketing system, required to complete the following functions: 1) It is assumed that the Civil Aviation have a number of flights, calls for increased flights and cancellation of a flight functions. 2) query: Based on user queries raised by the end of the arrival flight number, booking flight information, etc. also available under the flight number, listed in the flight