BER for BPSK in ISI channel with Zero Forcing equalization
BER for BPSK in ISI channel with Zero Forcing equalization
- 2022-01-25 16:13:54下载
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btp 2.0.2 tutorial source codes
btp 2.0.2 tutorial source codes
- 2022-07-14 09:49:16下载
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一个定时播放音乐的程序,用BCB编写。虽然不太复杂,但个人觉得挺经典的:)-regularly broadcast a music program, BCB prepared. Though not too complex, but feel quite classic :)
- 2022-02-22 00:24:25下载
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实验器材:探索者STM32F4开发板实验目的:学习DS18B20数字温度传感器的使用.硬件资源:1,DS0(连接在PF9)2,串口1(波特率:115200,PA9/PA10连接在板载USB转串口芯片CH340上面)3,ALIENTEK 2.8/3.5/4.3/7寸TFTLCD模块(通过FSMC驱动,FSMC_NE4接LCD片选/A6接RS) 4,DS18B20传感器一个(接在PG9上). 实验现象:本实验开机的时候先检测是否有DS18B20存在,如果没有,则提示错误。只有在检测到DS18B20之后才开始读取温度并显示在LCD上,如果发现了DS18B20,则程序每隔100ms左右读取一次数据,并把温度显示在LCD上。同样我们也是用DS0来指示程序正在运行。 注意事项: 1,4.3寸和7寸屏需要比较大电流,USB供电可能不足,请用外部电源适配器(推荐外接12V 1A电源).2,本例程在LCD_Init函数里面(在ILI93xx.c),用到了printf,如果不初始化串口1,将导致液晶无法显示!! 3,需自备DS18B20数字温度传感器一个,并插在开发板的U12位置(根据丝印插,平面朝内)
- 2022-04-10 22:55:01下载
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CV zizag scanning algorithm, according to zizag output data
简单zizag扫描算法,zizag遍历输出数据-CV zizag scanning algorithm, according to zizag output data
- 2022-02-05 20:04:31下载
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求最小Hamilton回路功能:在n个顶点的带权图G中,一条Hamilton回路是一顶点序列v1,v2,• • • •...
求最小Hamilton回路功能:在n个顶点的带权图G中,一条Hamilton回路是一顶点序列v1,v2,• • • • vn 其中,每个顶点vi由一条边连到vi+1(i=1,2,• • • • • ,n-1),而vn被连到v1。在所有的Hamilton回路中,寻找一条权值和最小的回路,这条回路就是最小Hamilton回路-circuit for the smallest functional Hamilton : n vertices with the right graph G, a Hamilton Circuit is a sequence of vertices v1, v2,# 8226# 8226# 8226# 8226 T. which each vertex vi even from one side to a vi (i = 1,2,# 8226# 8226# 8226# 8226# 8226, n-1), which was connected to the T. v1. All the Hamilton circuit, finding a value and the right to the smallest circuit, this circuit is the smallest HamiltonianCycle
- 2023-08-14 10:15:03下载
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关于windows CE设备驱动的结构,为微软教学实验课程,值得下载...
关于windows CE设备驱动的结构,为微软教学实验课程,值得下载-Windows CE device drivers on the structure of the experimental teaching courses for Microsoft, it is worth downloading
- 2022-07-28 10:35:57下载
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EVC to do the routines, middle button pop
EVC做的例程,中间按钮弹出式菜单,可切换当前任务。类似Windows中的任务管理器。-EVC to do the routines, middle button pop-up menu to switch the current mission. Similar to Windows Task Manager.
- 2022-06-12 13:28:34下载
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the bayer Raw to BMP
- 2022-05-19 02:55:20下载
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Bluetooth demo Windows CE Bluetooth application sample
蓝牙wince测试demo Windows CE Bluetooth application sample-Bluetooth demo Windows CE Bluetooth application sample
- 2022-08-21 11:24:01下载
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