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网上同学录,很酷,单班级版!-Internet website, cool, single-class version!



0 个回复

  • 龙江二手车管理系统
    龙江二手车管理系统-企业版是由龙江汽车网经过3年的汽车我站运营经验,精心开发出的专业二手车网站管理系统,企业版主要适合于二手车中介公司、企业等使用。使您只需很少的投入就可以快速建立一个专业的二手车网站。 用户:admin 密码:8741137-Management System-Enterprise Edition is Longjiang car network after three years of automotive experience, I was operating, carefully developed professional second-hand car website management system, Enterprise Edition primarily suited to second-hand car intermediary companies and enterprises use. That gives you a very small investment on the rapid establishment of a professional second-hand car website. Users : admin Password : 8741137
    2022-01-24 09:08:06下载
  • 本系统是一个非常有用的系统,本系统是用来管理自己的网站的系统,里面包括网站的 域名,物理地址等的设置等等。...
    本系统是一个非常有用的系统,本系统是用来管理自己的网站的系统,里面包括网站的 域名,物理地址等的设置等等。-the system is a very useful system, the system is used to manage the website system, inside the site, including domain name, physical address, etc. settings.
    2022-04-02 10:20:28下载
  • 上海交大维修在线-整站打包 只用于学习 请不要用于商业...
    上海交大维修在线-整站打包 只用于学习 请不要用于商业 -Shanghai Jiaotong University-line maintenance- the entire station package only for learning, please do not for commercial
    2022-01-25 20:03:46下载
  • ASP products guest house voice mail system orders
    ASP精品屋客人订货留言系统-为我的好同学姚徐而作功能简介1.用户留言功能2.用户定货功能3.定制货货功能4.定制网页样式和其实设置(比如主页)5.采用Access20006.强大的管理功能(现在的程序都是管理功能大于应用功能:)7.管理功能支持查看订货单,留言,分页功能8.删除功能哈哈,好了,介绍一下使用方法吧1.include目录下的setup.inc设置,参照里面注说明操作即可, 主要是设置留言板或定货单的名称,返回主页的地址,货物列表2.html目录下册guest.css是设置样式表的,可以不动它3.goods.asp是链接这个系统的文件4.解压密码是asphouse,管理员密码是asphouse-ASP products guest house voice mail system orders-as my classmates Yao Xu for a brief function. Voice 2 users. Customers ordering three functions. Custom features four cargo goods. Custom web forms, and in fact settings (such as Home) 5. Access20006 used. Powerful management capabilities (now the procedures are greater than management applications :) 7. View management capabilities to support purchase orders, voice mail, paging function 8. delete function Haha, well, tell us about it 1.include use directory of setup.inc settings Note that the light inside operation can be prescribed, is mainly set up the message board or purchase order of the name, Home address, the list of goods unde
    2022-07-07 22:14:36下载
  • 友欧ERPv2.0是杭州友欧科技有限公司开发的一套仓库管理系统,系统包含了入库管理,库存管理,出库管理,统计报表,会员管理,帐务管理等功能,完全能满足一般企业的...
    友欧ERPv2.0是杭州友欧科技有限公司开发的一套仓库管理系统,系统包含了入库管理,库存管理,出库管理,统计报表,会员管理,帐务管理等功能,完全能满足一般企业的仓库管理。系统界面美观大方,功能强大并且易用,是企业仓库管理的最佳工具 安装时注意查看conn.asp和conn2.asp中的数据库路径,这里使用的是相对路径,一般不必修改 管理员账号 用户名:admin 密码:admin -Friends of the Friends of Europe European ERPv2.0 Hangzhou Science and Technology Co., Ltd. developed a set of warehouse management system, the system includes warehouse management, inventory management, a database management, statistical reporting, membership management, account management and other functions, can fully meet the general enterprise warehouse management. System interface elegant, powerful and easy to use, is the best tool for enterprise storage management, installation, look out conn.asp and conn2.asp database path used here is a relative path, generally do not have to modify the administrator account user name : admin Password: admin
    2022-08-18 20:15:06下载
  • 程序
    【程序主要功能】1. PHP+HTML开发,树型结构自动生成HTML文件【安装方法】1. 把你下载的文件解压缩到硬盘3. 将所有文件上传至指定目录(目录可自定)4. 确认全部设置无误后,运行是index.php 即可5. 本程序在winnt+iis5+php4和UNIX里调试成功-procedures-- a key functions. PHP HTML development, tree structure automatically generate HTML documents installation method-- a. You download the compressed file to disk 3. All documents will be uploaded to the designated directory (available from the catalog) 4. All settings confirmed only after running can be index.php 5. the procedures in winnt IIS5 php4 and UNIX Lane debugging success
    2022-02-15 03:00:19下载
  • 8个菜单导航的例子,形式多样,非常适合网页制作入门者学习:)
    8个菜单导航的例子,形式多样,非常适合网页制作入门者学习:)-eight menu navigation example, a variety of forms, very suitable for web beginners to learn :)
    2022-11-25 00:55:02下载
  • 本系统的主要目的是实现图书的在线销售,包括管理库房中的图书,以及管理用户的购物车,从而实现结帐等一系列功能,让用户足不出户就能够在网上书店购买到自己所需的图书,...
    本系统的主要目的是实现图书的在线销售,包括管理库房中的图书,以及管理用户的购物车,从而实现结帐等一系列功能,让用户足不出户就能够在网上书店购买到自己所需的图书,形成书店和用户双赢的局面-The main purpose of the system is to achieve online sales of books, including the management of the Treasury
    2023-07-28 14:50:02下载
  • 一个简单的留言板ASP网站,源代码,是初学者试用,解读的好代码,是用Acess做为数据库的...
    一个简单的留言板ASP网站,源代码,是初学者试用,解读的好代码,是用Acess做为数据库的-A simple message board ASP website source code, is a beginner trial, read a good code, is used as an Acess database
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  • Beijing University's website, the artists do quite good, management director...
    北大燕工的网站,美工做的比较不错,管理目录是ADMIN-Beijing University"s website, the artists do quite good, management directory is Labs
    2022-01-22 03:16:45下载
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