Warning: dns_get_record(): A temporary server error occurred. in /www/wwwroot/imdn.zafuwsn.com/thinkphp/library/think/Loader.php on line 673
该算法建立了由最小二乘法,离散点曲率和离散点曲率变化和三项组成的目标函数并求出了最优控制点序列坐标,采用非线性优化方法对权因子序列进行了调整,确立了逼近误差的近...-图形图像 - IMDN开发者社群-imdn.cn
首页 » 图形图像 » 该算法建立了由最小二乘法,离散点曲率和离散点曲率变化和三项组成的目标函数并求出了最优控制点序列坐标,采用非线性优化方法对权因子序列进行了调整,确立了逼近误差的近...


于 2022-03-14 发布 文件大小:436.99 kB
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该算法建立了由最小二乘法,离散点曲率和离散点曲率变化和三项组成的目标函数并求出了最优控制点序列坐标,采用非线性优化方法对权因子序列进行了调整,确立了逼近误差的近似表示方法,并提出了包括上述方法的循环判断流程.-The algorithm was established by the least squares method, discrete points, the curvature and the curvature change and the three discrete points consisting of the objective function and find the optimal sequence of control point coordinates, using non-linear optimization method for sequence weights have been adjusted establishes the approximation error of the approximate representation, and proposed, including the cycle of the above methods to determine flow.



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