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Electronic code lock procedure, the two key input, one key additive, and the oth...

于 2022-03-14 发布 文件大小:1.89 kB
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电子密码锁程序,两键输入,其中一个键累加,另一个键确认。密码正确锁打开(开锁指示灯亮);密码错误锁关闭(关锁指示灯亮);连续错三次则锁定键盘8秒并发出报警声。-Electronic code lock procedure, the two key input, one key additive, and the other button to confirm. The correct password to open lock (unlock indicator light) password error lock closure (Kuan-lock indicator light) consecutive wrong then lock the keyboard three times and issued eight seconds alarm sound.



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