1,画一个三棱锥(或三棱柱)穿透一个立方体,并用Z_buffer算法消隐,其中立方体和三棱锥的各个面用不同的颜色表示 2,用动画实现穿透的全过程并且实现光照 立方体可以旋转运动 三棱锥可一上下穿透 关键词:Z缓冲器算法 Z向深度缓存算法 Z_buffer Phong光照模型 -a painting a three pyramid (or three prism) penetrating a cube. Z_buffer algorithm using hidden, cube and the three pyramid-all with different colors 2, Animation achieve penetration with the entire process and achieve illumination cube rotation can be a three pyramid next penetrating Keywords : Z Z-buffer algorithm to the depth buffer algorithm Z_buffer Phong illumination model