1。我用VC 6编写的程序,包括过程的顺序…
1.本程序由本人采用vc++ 6.0编写,包括了排序平衡二叉树的整套算法(包括插入、删除、查找以及其测试算法)。 2.运行myavl_vc.exe输入树的初始结点个数,确定后本程序将在内存中生成一棵相应结点数的二叉树,在此基础上你可以进行各种操作(插入、删除、查找以及测试其平衡性、排序性等) 3.每一个结点信息包括"商品编码"、"商品名称",且以"商品编码"作为关键字 4.初始生成的树的结点的商品编码为从1按顺序递增,商品名称为"生成的商品"加上商品编码 5.程序中的随机插入与随机删除是为了更好的测试程序的正确性和可靠性 6.随机插入(删除)时,程序将不断向(从)树中随机插入(删除)结点,每次随机插入(删除)都会进行平衡性与排序性的检查,如果树已经失去了有序性或平衡性,则会弹出树已失去了有序性或平衡性的提示并停止插入(删除)操作,当然你可以随时中断随机操作-1. The procedure I used vc 6.0 preparation, including the sequencing of the entire balanced binary tree algorithm (including insert, delete, search and test algorithm). 2. Running myavl_vc.exe importation of the initial tree node number, the procedures established in the memory of the formation of a corresponding nodes of a binary tree, and on this basis you can conduct various operations (insert, delete, search and testing their balance, sorting etc.) 3. each node information including "Product Codes," "trade names," and the "commodity codes" as the keyword 4. initial produ