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Using java language calendar procedures, welcomed everyone to download use

于 2022-03-11 发布 文件大小:20.10 kB
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用java语言编写的日历程序,欢迎大家下载使用-Using java language calendar procedures, welcomed everyone to download use



0 个回复

  • 泡泡龙大战开始了,只要你能战胜每一关你就会有不可预知的惊喜,快快来吧。...
    泡泡龙大战开始了,只要你能战胜每一关你就会有不可预知的惊喜,快快来吧。-Puzzle Bobble World War started, as long as you can overcome each clearance unpredictable and you will have a pleasant surprise, Come as soon as possible.
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  • 有源码事例,还有说明.一看就明白, 一,把"HGB.dll"和"hgbguanligongcheng.dll"复制到系统文件夹"WINDOWSsystem3...
    有源码事例,还有说明.一看就明白, 一,把"HGB.dll"和"hgbguanligongcheng.dll"复制到系统文件夹"WINDOWSsystem32"下. 二,新建一VB标准EXE,在"工程引用"下点击浏览把"WINDOWSsystem32"下的"hgbguanligongcheng.dll" 引用进来. 三,在窗体里声明一个对象变量yy Dim yy As New hgbguanlimokuai 再在任一事件下引用YY里的函数过程 i = yy.chongqi() 本过程执行重启动计算机,无返回值 ii=yy.guanji() 本过程执行关闭计算机,无返回值 iii=yyy.huoquan() 本过程执行获得计算机管理权,成功返回1,失败返回0 注意: 生成exe文件在别的机上运行时要把两个DLL文件复制到系统文件夹"WINDOWSsystem32"下,.因为exe 文件在运行时会用到那两个DLL. 解释: "hgbguanligongcheng.dll"文件里面有"hgbguanlimokuai"模块 "hgbguanlimokuai"模块里面有三个函数过程chongqi(),guanji(),huoquan() 我们声明YY为"hgbguanlimokuai"模块就等于在工程里加入了一个模块当然就能 在任何其他事件引用模块里的函数过程.-a source examples, there are shows. See at a, a, "HGB.dll" and "hgbguanligongcheng.dll" copied to the System folder " WINDOWS system32". 2, a new standard EXE VB. "works quote" Click here " WINDOWS system32" under the "hgbg uanligongcheng.dll
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