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FPGA 的数字闹钟

于 2022-03-10 发布 文件大小:1,022.70 kB
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这个项目旨在在 FPGA 上实现数字闹钟的功能。尽快 FPGA 打开时,时钟就开始了。可以使用 FPGA 板上提供 dip 开关设置报警。通过相应的 dip 开关指示灯表明了这一点。计数器保持工作,一旦报警消除,像声音放大通过扬声器蜂鸣器。 该项目是充分的。享受它吧 !



0 个回复

  • day8_alu_design
    this is verilog code for designing ALU in fpga.
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  • Dec_mul
    时间同步后即可确定每帧数据的起始位置,这样就能完整的截取下每一帧。但是,数据中还带有频偏信息。在常规的通信系统中,多普勒很小仅仅会带来很小的频偏,但是在大多普勒的情况下,频偏将非常大,20马赫的速度将会带来将近34K的频偏。因此,如何很好的纠正频偏即为本系统的难点。 OFDM中,我们将大于子载波间隔倍数的频偏称为整数倍频偏,而将小于一个子载波间隔的频偏称为小数倍频偏。频偏矫正精度只要能保证小于十分之一倍的子载波间隔,频偏就不会对均衡和解调造成影响。本文中我们借鉴这种思想,由于硬件资源限制,我们将在接收端做64点FFT,即相当于将频域划分为64份,我们将小于 的频偏称为小数倍频偏,将 整数倍的频偏称为整数倍频偏。本程序即基于SCHIMDL经典方法完成小数倍频偏纠正(After time synchronization can determine the starting position of each frame data, so you can complete the interception of each frame. However, in the data with frequency information. In conventional communication systems, doppler small will bring only small deviation, but in the case of most of the doppler, frequency PianJiang is very large, 20 Mach speed will lead to deviation of nearly 34 k. Therefore, how to good to correct deviation is the difficulty of this system. OFDM, we will be bigger than the sub-carrier spacing ratio of frequency deviation is called the integer frequency offset, and the interval will be less than a child carrier frequency offset is called decimal frequency doubling. Deviation is less than one over ten times as long as can guarantee accuracy of sub-carrier spacing, deviation will not affect balance and demodulation. This article, we draw lessons from the idea, due to the limited hardware resources, we will do 64 points FFT at the receiving end, which is equ)
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