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于 2022-03-10 发布 文件大小:118.60 kB
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该程序是非特定人语音识别程序,原来在SPCE500A下运行,能识别并应答16个命令,存储空间为128K字节。 //我们将其进行了修改,使其能在SPCE061A下运行,由于存储空间为32K字,只能识别并应答9个命令。 //在这个例程当中,我们示范了如何使用语音识别引擎对8个已经经过训练的命令进行识别。 //第一个命令 "Snoopy",可以作为使能命令,也就是说使用者只能在该命令之后发出其他命令。 //例如,用户只有在发出 "Snoopy"命令并且听到响应"Snoopy here"之后才能继续下达其他命令 //如"How are you", "I love you",等等。 //当"Snoopy"命令响应之后,程序将等待8秒钟,如果没有其他命令发出, //系统将跳回到第0组,并且再次等待触发命令"Snoopy"。当用户的命令无法被识别时, //程序将响应为"Execuse me?", "I can t hear you!"或 "Say again!"这时用户可以再一次下达语音命令。-the procedures were non-specific voice recognition procedure, the original run in SPCE500A can identify and Response 16 orders, storage space for 128K bytes.// We had to amending it so that it can run in SPCE061A, storage space for 32K words, recognize only nine responses and orders.// This routine, we have demonstrated how to use voice recognition engine has eight pairs of trained orders for identification.// The first order "Jack Champion", as it can make an order, users can only say in the order issued after other orders.// For exampl



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