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This is a description WindowsMobile the use of encryption technology to enhance...

于 2022-03-09 发布 文件大小:771.04 kB
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这是一本介绍使用加密技术提高WindowsMobile应用程序安全性的书籍-This is a description WindowsMobile the use of encryption technology to enhance application security books



0 个回复

  • An animated simulation of a vertical pinball bouncing movements, each attenuatio...
    模拟一个动画弹球的垂直弹跳的动作,每次衰减为上次高度的0.9,考虑重力加速度。-An animated simulation of a vertical pinball bouncing movements, each attenuation for the last time a high degree of 0.9, consider the acceleration of gravity.
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  • Jack procedures, the convenience of the bank, but the procedure is not on the li...
    wince 的PPC程序,关于银行方便的,但是是测试的程序,不是上线的,不过里面有很多算法还是值得一看的-Jack procedures, the convenience of the bank, but the procedure is not on the line, but there are many algorithms or visit the gallery
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  • 实现一个节点的插入和删除
    实现了AVL_tree的插入与删除功能 及AVL_tree的线索化,并心图形的方式打印出结果-Implement insert and remove of a node in a AVL-tree
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  • VFP的学生档案管理系统,带整套的论文,可以做毕业设计使用,不用自己设计了。...
    VFP开发的学生档案管理系统,带整套的论文,可以做毕业设计使用,不用自己设计了。-VFP development of the student records management system, with a full set of papers that can be done graduate design, not the design itself.
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  • MFC Visual C++ 菜单 对话框
    可以实现添加菜单操作,其中包括增加子菜单和相应的热键,适合于对MFC刚入门的学者, 简单而且明了,同时可以通过对此学习,完全能稳固菜单的相关操作,可以在基于对话框的主界面上添加菜单。
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  • SimpleTV 0.4 SimpleTV 是为在3TNet中方便的观看和录制直播视频而设计的。 SimpleTV 0.4版 的特性:...
    SimpleTV 0.4 SimpleTV 是为在3TNet中方便的观看和录制直播视频而设计的。 SimpleTV 0.4版 的特性: *可观看93个DVD画质的直播频道,包括2个1080i高清频道 (3TNet版本) *支持交大非3TNet http模式 *集成精简VLC0.8.6i,不需要再安装任何其他解码器和播放器 *一键录制功能 *回放所录制的电视节目 *自带频道列表,单击频道名称可以看到预览图片(由Comic电视墙支持) *频道收藏夹功能 *默认开启反交错功能,可以在选项中修改 *自动激活3TNet,可以在选项中修改 *集成PCR补丁,没有PCR的TS流可正常观看 *一键换肤功能,自带5个皮肤 *体积小巧,不到2MB *支持32位 Windows XP、 Windows Vista-err
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  • Some of you may have already come to realize I have previously written and relea...
    Some of you may have already come to realize I have previously written and released a similar control via CodeProject. Even though the last control was written using C++ along with MFC, some readers may wonder why I would recreate the same control without branching out into uncharted territory. But the fact of the matter is: I am indeed branching out, and this isn t simply a recreation. I ve never ventured into C# before. So rather than jump the gun and start out with an ambitious project that is nothing but of a stranger to me, I have decided to stick with something I am both familiar and comfortable with: porting my C2DPushGraph control to C#. After porting the control and discovering C# wasn t much different than C++ in ideology, I quickly shifted my focus to improving the feature set and overall design of the control, all while conforming to general C# standards and ethics. -Some of you may have already come to realize I have previously written and released a similar control via Co
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