首页 » OpenGL图像 » in Visual C 6.0 environment, the development of the OpenGL gyro movement simulat...

in Visual C 6.0 environment, the development of the OpenGL gyro movement simulat...

于 2022-03-09 发布 文件大小:107.26 kB
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在Visual C++ 6.0环境下,利用OpenGL开发的陀螺运动的仿真,实现了陀螺的各种可能的运动,由于算法采用了四元素法,故对于各种可能的运动,不会出现极点。-in Visual C 6.0 environment, the development of the OpenGL gyro movement simulation, achieving a gyroscope possible campaign, is to use the four elements, and therefore every possible movement, no poles.



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