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Cô ng cụ làm việ c vớ i VB6

于 2022-03-07 发布 文件大小:204.90 kB
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Cô ng cụ làm việ c vớ i VB6-Cô ng cụ làm việ c vớ i VB6



0 个回复

  • TG12864E液晶说明
    支持串并行接口的12864,主控为ST7920A,还有源码参考。 DI EQU P3.7 E EQU P3.5 RST EQU P3.2 cs1 equ p3.0 cs2 equ p3.1 ;本测试程序中CS1,CS2=H ,RW =>GND ORG 0000H LJMP MAIN ORG 0003H LJMP LINTO ORG 0100H MAIN: NOP clr ea clr cs1 clr cs2 CLR E lcall init MOV 34H,#0ffH LCALL DISPLAY_ALL lcall dly100 MOV 34H,#00H LCALL DISPLAY_ALL lcall plybw lcall DLY100 MOV 34H,#00H LCALL DISPLAY_ALL MOV R1,#0C0H ;START = 0 LCALL WRI mov 31h,#0 mov 30h,#0 MOV 30H,#0 ;x MOV 31H,#8 ;y MOV DPTR,#HZI7 ;您 LCALL outhz MOV 30H,#0 MOV 31H,#40 MOV DPTR,#HZI8 ;好 LCALL outhz MOV 30H,#4 MOV 31H,#16 MOV DPTR,#HZI1 ;* LCALL outhz MOV 30H,#4 MOV 31H,#32 MOV DPTR,#HZI2 ;* LCALL outhz MOV 30H,#6 MOV 31H,#0 MOV DPTR,#HZI3 ;电 LCALL outhz MOV 30H,#6 MOV 31H,#16 MOV DPTR,#HZI4 ;子 LCALL outhz MOV 30H,#6 MOV 31H,#32 MOV DPTR,#HZI5 ;公 LCALL outhz MOV 30H,#6 MOV 31H,#48 MOV DPTR,#HZI6 ;司 LCALL outhz LCAL
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