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于 2022-03-06 发布 文件大小:3.37 MB
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一个数据库增删改查的仓库管理系统。 有登陆界面 和 商品订单的基本管理操作。 用jdbc直连数据库。 最简单的mvc框架设计。 界面使用windowbuilder拖拽产生。 比较适合初学进行 java操作数据库课程设计使用。



0 个回复

  • 用VC编写正轴等角割圆锥投影源程序的设计.还不尽完美!欢迎下载指导!...
    用VC编写正轴等角割圆锥投影源程序的设计.还不尽完美!欢迎下载指导!-There a positive axes equal angle conic projection program.It is not very perfect.Welcome to download and instruct .
    2022-08-05 22:34:59下载
  • rendering translucent bitmaps and how transparent bitmap painting some slim, we...
    绘制半透明位图及如何画透明位图 有的时侯,我们希望显示一幅半透明的位图。也就是说我们将一幅位图B 显示到A位图上,又希望透过B位图看到A位图的一部分图像但不是全部。比如A位 图是一幅曲线图,B是一幅提示位图,我们想在显示提示的同时看到已显示的曲 线,但不需要曲线的背景 ,就需有用到半透明位图。曲线看上去就象从B位图中渗 透过来,其实半透明技术就是一种渗透技术,渗透公式我们可选用多种,在这里 我们选用(A AND 0x7F)OR B。注意,白色不能产生渗透。-rendering translucent bitmaps and how transparent bitmap painting some slim, we hope to show a translucent bitmaps. That is to say we will be a bit Figure B shows that the A bitmap, and they hope to see Figure B A part of the bitmap images, but not all. For example, A bitmap is a curve, B is a Bitmap suggest, we would like to suggest the show has been seen at the same time show the curve, but it does not need curve background on the need for useful to translucent bitmaps. From the curve looks like B infiltrate map, in fact technology is a translucent infiltration, infiltration formula we can use multiple, and here we choose (A AND which) OR B. Note that not produce white infiltration.
    2022-08-07 15:05:14下载
  • AppWizard has created this chess application for you. This application not onl...
    --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- StdAfx.h StdAfx.cpp 这对文件由用于将一些预编译信息纳入程序。 chessDlg.h chessDlg.cpp 这一对文件定义并实现了,象棋的主界面。 resource.h chess.rc 这是整个工程中使用的Windows资源列表。包括置于res子目录下的图标, 位图以及光标等内容。 define.h 这是一个包含程序中的数据表示的定义的头文件。 NewGame.h NewGame.cpp 这一对文件定义并实现用于新游戏的设置的对话框。 Eveluation.h Eveluation.cpp 这一对文件定义并实现了估值核心类。 MoveGenerator.h MoveGenerator.cpp 这一对文件定义并实现了走法产生器。 SearchEngine.h SearchEngine.cpp 这一对文件定义了搜索引擎接口。 NegamaxEngine.h NegamaxEngine.cpp 这一对文件定义并实现负极大值搜索引擎- AppWizard has created this chess application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application. This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your chess application. chess.dsp This file (the project file) contains information at the project level and is used to bui
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  • VC下实现正则表达式的基本功能,可以根据定义的reg expressions解析日志,提取相应提取项,本人在MFC下测试通过....
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