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3D打印机 marlin

于 2022-03-06 发布 文件大小:6.69 MB
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应用背景The leading developers of Marlin are currently (January 2015) EvdZ and bkubicek, though many others contribute with their patches. This is a firmware for reprap single-processor electronics setups. It also works on the Ultimaker PCB. It supports printing from SD card+Folders, and look-ahead trajectory planning. This work is licensed under the GNU GPL v3 or (at the user"s discretion) any later version. It is based on Sprinter firmware, which was licensed under GPL v2 or later.关键技术 Features: Interrupt based movement with real linear acceleration. High steprate. Look ahead (Keep the speed high when possible. High cornering speed). Interrupt based temperature protection. preliminary sup



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