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Parameter estimation. Doc learning through this chapter, we should know: 1. Stat...

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参数估计.doc 通过本章的学习, 我们应该知道: 1. 统计抽样推断的常用术语 2. 抽样推断基于什么样的原理 3. 点估计与区间估计的具体操作 4. 抽样组织方式及其相应的误差计算 5. 每次抽样需要多大的样本容量 -Parameter estimation. Doc learning through this chapter, we should know: 1. Statistical sampling of terms commonly used inference 2. Sample inference based on what kind of principle 3. Point estimation and interval estimation of the specific operation 4. Sample organization and its corresponding error Calculation 5. each sample require much sample size



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