首页 » 图形图像 » 这个数字识别应用程序。(OCR或ICR应用)。首先你画…


于 2022-03-05 发布 文件大小:41.19 kB
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This an digit recognition application. (OCR or ICR application). First you draw a digit in the picturebox. Then the image processing begins and recognize the digit and returns you the result. I used correlation matching algorithm for character recognition and k-neighbor classifying algorithm to select the true digit. Database includes handwritten digit examples which are collected from a hundred persons. These digit images converted to binary type before added to the database.-This an digit recognition application. (OCR or ICR application). First you draw a digit in the picturebox. Then the image processing be Huggins and recognize the digit and returns you the result. I used correlation matching algorithm for character recognition and k-neighbor clas sifying algorithm to select the true digit. Dat abase includes handwritten digit examples whi ch are collected from a hundred persons. These d igit images converted to binary type before add ed to the database.



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