这本书提供了所有基本数学函数的高精度的算法-This book provides all the basic mathematical functions of the high-precision algorithm for
- 2023-03-14 03:25:04下载
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book is widely used in engineering at the effective preparation of the algorithm...
书是针对工程上常用的行之有效的算法而编写的C语言函数程序集,在第一版的基础上作了修改和扩充。书中包括了近几年出现的许多新算法。全书分为数值计算与非数值计算两部分。其中数值计算部分的内容包括:线性代数方程组的求解、矩阵运算、矩阵特征值与特征向量的计算、非线性方程与方程组的求解、插值、数值积分、常微分方程(组)的求解、拟合与逼近、数据处理与回归分析、极值问题、数学变换与滤波、特殊函数、随机数的产生、多项式与连分式函数的计算、复数运算;非数值计算部分的内容包括:排序、查找、图形模式下读写屏幕象点、基本图形操作、汉字操作等。-book is widely used in engineering at the effective preparation of the algorithm and C language function suite, on the basis of the first edition was revised and expanded. The book includes the past few years, many of the new algorithm. Topics are divided into the numerical and non- numerical calculation of two parts. These numerical part of the contents include : linear algebraic equations by solving the matrix computation, Matrix eigenvalues and eigenvectors of computing, nonlinear equations and solve equations, interpolation, numerical integration, ordinary differential equations (Group I) solution, fitting and approximation, data processing and back In analysis, optimization, mathematical transformation and filtering, specia
- 2022-07-13 21:31:09下载
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它包含不同调度算法 job.1。fifo2。lru3.opt
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os 银行家,共创 pthread 信号量
银行家与 pthread, os 银行家、 共创 pthread、 信号量,os 银行家、 共创 pthread、 信号量
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lpcc hmm语音识别系统
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SPHysics - SPH Free-surface Flow Solver
SPHysics is a platform of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) codes
inspired by the formulation of Monaghan (1992) developed jointly by researchers
at the Johns Hopkins University (U.S.A.), the University of Vigo (Spain), the
University of Manchester (U.K.) and the University of Rome La Sapienza (Italy).
Developed over a number of years primarily to study free-surface flow phenomena
where Eulerian methods can be difficult to apply, such as waves, impact of
dam-breaks on off-shore structures.
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MLP source code
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资源描述摘 要:物联网是继计算机、互联网与移动通信网之后信息技术产业的第三次发展浪潮。通信技术
关键词:物联网 通信技术 无线通信 短距离通信
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GFLIB - C Procedures for Galois Field Arithmetic and Reed-Solomon Coding.
该函数库广泛用在网络编码和信道编码中。-GFLIB- C Procedures for Galois Field Arithmetic and Reed-Solomon Coding. The library is widely used in network coding and channel coding.
- 2022-01-25 15:09:55下载
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