首页 » Windows开发 » 内存性能状态指示器 2.0(VB.NET2005) =================================== 这个代码原先是VB6的代码...

内存性能状态指示器 2.0(VB.NET2005) =================================== 这个代码原先是VB6的代码...

于 2022-03-03 发布 文件大小:359.81 kB
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内存性能状态指示器 2.0(VB.NET2005) =================================== 这个代码原先是VB6的代码,作者升级改造为VB.NET2005。主要功能是获取本地计算机的内存、页面文件、CPU等参数及使用状态。类似Windows的资源管理器中的性能显示,程序以条形图显示物理内存总量、剩余数等。-Memory performance status indicators 2.0 (VB.NET2005) =================================== This code was originally VB6 code, the author upgrading to VB.NET2005. Main function is to access the local computer" s memory, page file, CPU, etc. and the use of state parameters. Similar to Windows Explorer in the performance shows that procedures are in place to bar graph shows the total physical memory, the number remaining.



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