用于汽车巡航控制系统的模糊控制算法,以及如何利用梯度下降法和卡尔曼滤波来优化模糊控制器的算法。The files illustrate a simple fuz
用于汽车巡航控制系统的模糊控制算法,以及如何利用梯度下降法和卡尔曼滤波来优化模糊控制器的算法。The files illustrate a simple fuzzy control algorithm as applied to an automobile cruise control system. The files also illustrate how gradient descent and Kalman filtering can be used to optimize the fuzzy controller .-For automotive cruise control system of fuzzy control algorithm, as well as how to make use of gradient descent and Kalman filtering to optimize the fuzzy controller algorithms. The files illustrate a simple fuzzy control algorithm as applied to an automobile cruise control system. The files also illustrate how gradient descent and Kalman filtering can be used to optimize the fuzzy controller.