The world s shortest DXUT framework based on first
世界上最短的基于DXUT框架的第一人称摄像机例子,d3d的例程中的代码很长, 笔者就只想用其中的第一人称摄像机,花了好几天研究了多个相关例程,抽出 其中的摄像机,改写了最简单的摄像机例子,在学习d3d的坐标变换中晕头的弟兄们 哈哈... -The world s shortest DXUT framework based on first-person camera example, d3d code of the routine is very long, I just want to use them on the first-person camera, spent several days examined a number of related routines, out of which the camera , rewrite the most simple camera example, in learning D3D coordinate transformation in the first halo brothers ha ha ...