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CKNN 用于多示例学习

于 2022-03-01 发布 文件大小:1.89 kB
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CKNN  Using the Citation KNN algorithm[1] to get the labels for bags in testBags, where minmum Hausdorff distance is used to measure the distances between bags %     CKNN takes, %        PBags     - an Mx1 cell array where the jth instance of ith positive bag is stored in PBags{i}(j,:) %        NBags     - an Nx1 cell array where the jth instance of ith negative bag is stored in NBags{i}(j,:) %        testBags  - a Kx1 cell array where the jth instance of ith test bag is stored in testBags{i}(j,:) %         Refs     - the number of referecnes for each test bag %        Citers    - the number of citers for each test bag %      &n



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