首页 » 电子书 » 本书以一种清晰并易于接受的方式将深奥的互联网技术问题表达给具有各种背景的读者。作者是互联网最早期的研究者之一,他以独树一帜的方法把技术上的准确性和当前网络的研究


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本书以一种清晰并易于接受的方式将深奥的互联网技术问题表达给具有各种背景的读者。作者是互联网最早期的研究者之一,他以独树一帜的方法把技术上的准确性和当前网络的研究热点完美地结合起来,讲述了网络的底层技术和联网技术。本书是原书第2版的译本,比第1版增加了3章内容,介绍了基本网络工具、远程数字连接技术和中间件技术。对全书做了很多修改和更新。本书是描述互联网技术的经典之作,被认为是互联网技术的“圣经”。 - This book clear and will be easy the way by one kind which will accept the abstruse Internet technical question expression for the reader which will have each kind of background. The author is one of Internet early time researchers, he establishes a new school the method perfectly unifies the technical in accuracy and the current network research hot spot, narrated the network first floor technology and the networking technology. This book is the original book 2nd edition translated edition, increased 3 chapter of contents compared to 1st edition, introduced the basic network tool, the long-distance digital connection technology and the middleware technology. Has made very many revisions and the renewal to the entire book. This book describes Internet technology work classics,



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