6666 testedocladestino
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- 2022-01-25 16:40:19下载
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Rabit兔子跳铃铛 android游戏源代码参考
Rabit兔子跳铃铛 android游戏源代码参考,这个游戏我没玩过,就是那种跳来跳去的游戏,不知道怎么玩,也不知道如何介绍给大家,从资源文件看,很完整,源代码可在安卓模拟器中运行,运行的效果界面如截图所示,可以从中学习一些比较系统综合的Android开发技巧,一般情况下,编写游戏对Android各个模块的应用都比较综合,因此提升Android开发水平,可多参考一下游戏源代码。
- 2022-08-12 19:56:23下载
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- 2022-05-10 23:31:16下载
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- 2015-06-24下载
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android vpn源码
- 2022-03-20 11:49:12下载
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说明: 安卓渗透工具,教学使用,严禁用于非法用途否则后果自负(Android Infiltration Tools, Teaching Use, Strictly Banned for Illegal Use Otherwise the Consequences are Owned)
- 2020-06-23 12:40:01下载
- 积分:1
脉冲宽度调制是一种模拟控制方式,根据相应载荷的变化来调制晶体管基极或MOS管栅极的偏置,来实现晶体管或MOS管导通时间的改变,从而实现开关稳压电源输出的改变。这种方式能使电源的输出电压在工作条件变化时保持恒定,是利用微处理器的数字信号对模拟电路进行控制的一种非常有效的技术。脉冲宽度调制是利用微处理器的数字输出来对模拟电路进行控制的一种非常有效的技术,广泛应用在从测量、通信到功率控制与变换的许多领域中。(Pulse width modulation (PWM) is an analog control method, which modulates the bias of transistor base or MOS gate according to the change of load, so as to change the turn-on time of transistor or MOS and realize the change of output of switching regulated power supply. This method can keep the output voltage of the power supply constant when the working conditions change. It is a very effective technology to control the analog circuit by using the digital signal of the microprocessor. Pulse width modulation (PWM) is a very effective technology to control analog circuits by using the digital output of microprocessors. It is widely used in many fields, from measurement, communication to power control and conversion.)
- 2020-06-22 16:20:02下载
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android 微信分享插件 源码下载
- 2014-12-31下载
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public class BMapApiDemoApp extends Application
static BMapApiDemoApp mDemoApp;
// 百度MapAPI的管理类
BMapManager mBMapMan = null;
// 授权Key
// 申请地址:http://developer.baidu.com/map/android-mobile-apply-key.htm
String mStrKey = "866FCA5A50327A48A9857274B5B0FA066DDCDF90";
boolean m_bKeyRight = true; // 授权Key正确,验证通过
// 常用事件监听,用来处理通常的网络错误,授权验证错误等
static class MyGeneralListener implements MKGeneralListener
public void onGetNetworkState(int iError)
Log.d("MyGeneralListener", "onGetNetworkState error is " + iError);
Toast.makeText(BMapApiDemoApp.mDemoApp.getApplicationContext(), "您的网络出错啦!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
public void onGetPermissionState(int iError)
Log.d("MyGeneralListener", "onGetPermissionState error is " + iError);
- 2022-03-24 01:15:32下载
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android 下拉瀑布流显示图片效果 源码下载
android 下拉瀑布流显示图片效果 源码下载
- 2014-06-03下载
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