参数pszSound是标识要播放声音的字符串。 参数hmod是包含声音资源的可执行文件的句柄,当设置了SND_RESOURCE时,它不为NULL,其它情况为NU...
参数pszSound是标识要播放声音的字符串。 参数hmod是包含声音资源的可执行文件的句柄,当设置了SND_RESOURCE时,它不为NULL,其它情况为NULL。 参数fdwSound作用之一是表明声音资源的来源,它是一系列值的组合,通过或运算连在一起,设置适当的值可以控制声音的播放效果。如:SND_LOOP表示循环播放,SND_SYNC表示同步播放,更具体可以参考M-parameters pszSound logo is to play the voice of the string. Parameters hmod includes voice resources of the executable file handle, SND_RESOURCE when installed, it is not NULL, NULL other circumstances. Parameters fdwSound role is one of the voices and the source, it is a series of portfolio value, or processing units, setting appropriate values can control the voice of playback. Such as : SND_LOOP said cycle broadcast simultaneously broadcast SND_SYNC said, can be more specific reference M