音像制品管理系统共分为四个功能模块,分别为歌碟管理功能模块、影碟管理功能模块、出租管理功能模块、数据维护功能模块。该系统将对歌碟、影碟的购入、出售、查询、库存盘点、出租进行管理。我由衷地希望所设计的音像制品管理系统能给音像制品行业的管理带来更大的方便,带来更高的效率,获得可观的经济效益,从而为中国音像制品行业的发展,尽微薄之力-audio-video products management system consists of four modules, namely song disc management modules, DVD management module, rental management modules, data maintenance function modules. The system will be song disc, the DVD purchase, sale, inquiry, inventory checks, lease management. I sincerely hope that the design of audio-video products management system will give audio-video products management industry to provide greater convenience, bringing greater efficiency, substantial economic benefits for the Chinese audio and video products industry, a modest way