DSC(Data Service Center)是用于接收DTU数据和向DTU发送数据的服务软件,和DTU之间通讯使用开发包动态库gprs_dll.dll,该文...
DSC(Data Service Center)是用于接收DTU数据和向DTU发送数据的服务软件,和DTU之间通讯使用开发包动态库gprs_dll.dll,该文件包括和DTU通讯所需要的全部API函数,包括服务的启动、数据发送、数据接收、关闭服务等,DSC实际上是架构在gprs_dll.dll所提供的功能之上的数据处理软件,其所需要完成的功能如下: 1、 调用API启动服务和停止服务; 2、 调用API接收数据和向DTU发送数据,并且对数据作进一步处理; 3、 调用API轮询DTU用户列表,如果需要可作进一步处理,包括用户认证等; 4、 调用API对DTU进行远程配置 -DSC (Data Service Center) is used to receive data and to the DTU DT U send data services software, and communications between the DTU use development kits gprs_dll.dll DLL, the documents include communications and DTU need all API function, including the launch, data sending, receiving data, the closure of services, DSC is actually in gprs_dll.dll framework provided by the above functions of data processing software, they need to complete the following functions : 1, API calls to stop and restart services; 2. API call and receive data to the DTU send data, as well as data for further processing; 3. Call API Polling DTU user list, if necessary, for further processing, including user authentica