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nlopt 优化方案可以在 matlab 和 perl 下运行

于 2022-02-28 发布 文件大小:415.75 kB
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  • zhongzhi
    中值滤波 原图像画面清晰,添加了椒盐噪声以后图像上出现了明显噪声,经不同模板的中值滤波处理后图像上的噪声被虑去,但使得图像变得模糊,并且,使用的模板越大,去噪声效果越好,同时图像也越模糊。滤波效果明显优于平滑滤波。 (Median filtering the original image, a clear picture of the Salt and pepper noise added after the image there is a clear noise, and by different template after median filtering has been taking into account the noise on the image to go, but makes the image become blurred, and, using the template more large, to noise, the better the effect, while the more blurred the image. Filtering effect is superior to smoothing.)
    2009-10-25 09:36:00下载
    SPICE的代码,可以运行基于相关矩阵的估计方法,这个方法可以应用于稀疏求解,例如求解DOA(the matlab code for SPICE, it s a sparse covariance-based method for sparse solution, e.g.,the solution for the estimation of DOA)
    2021-04-10 15:58:59下载
  • code
    1.采用C均值聚类算法对男女生样本数据中的身高、体重2个特征进行聚类分析,考察不同的类别初始值以及类别数对聚类结果的影响,并以友好的方式图示化结果。 2.采用分级聚类算法对男女生样本数据进行聚类分析。分别尝试采用身高,体重,喜欢数学,喜欢文学,喜欢运动,喜欢模式识别共6个特征,以及身高,体重2个特征进行聚类,对比聚类结果,并以友好的方式图示化结果 (1. The use of C means clustering algorithm on sample data for boys and girls in the height, weight 2 characterized in cluster analysis to investigate the initial values of the different categories and the effect on the number of classes of the clustering result, and in a friendly way of illustration result. 2. Using hierarchical clustering algorithm to male and female students sample data clustering analysis. Try both using height, weight, like math, like literature, like sports, like pattern recognition feature a total of six, as well as height, weight, two features clustering, comparing clustering results, and in a friendly way of illustration of the results)
    2020-11-24 21:19:33下载
  • Random walk around antlion
    说明:  通过蚂蚁的随机移动而提出的一种随机游走算法(A random walk algorithm based on the random movement of ants is proposed)
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  • f16 喷气机模型
    包括发动机模型 6 自由度模型气动力模型大气模型作动器模型的 f16 喷气式 Simulink 为 f16 喷气式包括发动机模型 6 自由度模型气动力模型大气模型作动器模型仿真
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  • MATLAB_Array_Manipulation_Acklam_2003
    Array manipulation in MATLAB
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  • error-code
    周武扬的编码理论,非常详细,包括汉明码、卷积码、差错控制编码等等。(the error code of zhou wu yang,very good,include hamming code,error chontrol code.)
    2015-02-03 11:52:55下载
  • ctrllab30
    信号模拟,分析以及应用可以分析波形的变换,频率周期的转换等。(Ocean Wave Theory of Physical Oceanography hydrodynamic theories programming model)
    2014-01-12 09:05:35下载
  • OFDM信号及其频谱的matlab仿真源代码,输入信号为随机产生的二进制序列并插入了保护间隔...
    OFDM信号及其频谱的matlab仿真源代码,输入信号为随机产生的二进制序列并插入了保护间隔-OFDM signal and its spectrum simulation matlab source code, the input signal for randomly generated binary sequence and insert a guard interval
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