首页 » 电子书 » 电子教案(PPT),包括一本书的每一章的文件夹…


于 2022-02-28 发布 文件大小:1.94 MB
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电子教案(PPT)文件夹 其中包括本书每章的PPT文件 源代码文件夹 其中包括本书每章对应的源代码文件 多媒体视频文件夹 其中包括本书每章的多媒体视频讲解文件 习题答案文件夹 其中包括本书每章后面习题的提示答案 编程参考宝典电子书文件夹 包括超值实用的编程参考宝典电子书 -Electronic Teaching Plan (PPT), including a folder for each chapter of this book PPT file one of the source code folder of each chapter of this book corresponds to the source code files multimedia video folder, including one of each chapter of this book on the multi-media video file Exercises the answer folder, including one of the back of each chapter of this book prompted the answer exercises programming reference book e-books folder including practical value of the programming reference book e-books



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