Description: This highly integrated flash memory SD card with serial and random...
说明: 本SD卡高度集成闪存,具备串行和随机存取能力。可以通过专用优化速度的串行接口访问,数据传输可靠。接口允许几个卡垛叠,通过他们的外部连接。接口完全符合最新的消费者标准,叫做SD卡系统标准,由SD卡系统规范定义。-Description: This highly integrated flash memory SD card with serial and random access ability. Can be through a dedicated serial interface optimized speed access, reliable data transmission. Interface allows several cards stacked pile, through their external connections. Interface in full compliance with the latest consumer standard, called the SD card system standard SD card system from the definition of norms.