首页 » 算法 » 设有n个人围做一圈,现从某个人开始报数,数到m的人出列,接着从出列的下一个人开始重新报数,数到m的人又出列,如此下去,直到所有人都出列为止。运用循环单链表解决约...


于 2022-02-26 发布 文件大小:4.53 kB
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设有n个人围做一圈,现从某个人开始报数,数到m的人出列,接着从出列的下一个人开始重新报数,数到m的人又出列,如此下去,直到所有人都出列为止。运用循环单链表解决约瑟夫环问题。- Is equipped with n personally to encircle makes, presently starts from some person to count off, leaves ranks the number to the m person, meets from the next person which leaves ranks is starting reto count off, leaves ranks the number to the m person, continue like this, all leaves ranks until all people. Using circulates Shan Lianbiao to solve the Joseph link problem.



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