Author : yulongsun penGL need to give Chinese exports, However, we did not find...
作者: yulongsun 需要在penGL中作中文输出,但没发现何处有合适的,把一个叫zhaohui的人写的英文字符输出类改了一下,可以输出中文了,但却并没有解决我的问题。我感觉得应该使用wglUseFontBitmaps()函数使字体保持不变。但我对 OpenGL不熟,不知怎么用。不过我做的东西也许对别人有用,权且放在这儿。同时希望得到指教。 文件:CGLFont.c CGLFont.h env::windows2000, vc6.0 e-mail: -Author : yulongsun penGL need to give Chinese exports, However, we did not find a suitable where, a person called zhaohui write English characters output category changed a bit, the Chinese can export, but not solve the problem. I feel that you should use wglUseFontBitmaps () function so that fonts remain unchanged. But I OpenGL well, I do not know how use. But I may do something useful for others, the time being here. Hope received the exhibitions. Documents : CGLFont.c CGLFont.h env : : Solaris, vc6.0 e-mail :