首页 » Dialog_Window » 波比B写了一个非常酷的PS图象处理软件


于 2022-02-24 发布 文件大小:113.92 kB
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Bobi B has written a very cool Photoshop-like color picker (you can click here to see how cool it is), but since this is compiled into a DLL, it is very hard to use with existing MFC projects. I decided therefore to create a simple class to mimic CGTColorDialogDlg - but this time based on CDialog.-Bobi B has written a very cool Photoshop-like color picker (you can click here to see how cool it is), but since this is compiled into a DLL, it is very hard to use with existing MFC projects. I decided therefore to create a simple class to mimic CGTColorDialogDlg- but this time based on CDialog.



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