国际棋盘上马的周游问题,该问题描述了国际象棋棋盘上的一只马,恰好走过除起点外的其它位置各一次,最后回到起点。这条路线称为一条马的Hamilton 周游路线...
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国际棋盘上马的周游问题,该问题描述了国际象棋棋盘上的一只马,恰好走过除起点外的其它位置各一次,最后回到起点。这条路线称为一条马的Hamilton 周游路线-Launched an international board of the travel issue that describes the chess board on a horse, just walked outside the other locations except the starting point of all time, finally returned to the starting point. This line is called a horse" s Hamilton tour route