摘 由于演化算法求解多目标优化问题所得结果是一个优化解集―――Pareto最优集,而现有的演化算法收 敛性分析只适合针对单目标优化问题的单个最优解。利用有限马尔科夫链给出了演化算法求解多目标优化问 题的收敛性分析框架,并给出了一个分析实例 -Pick as a result of evolutionary algorithm for solving multi-objective optimization problem the result is an optimized solution set--- Pareto optimal set, and the existing evolutionary algorithm convergence analysis is only suitable for single-objective optimization problem of a single optimal solution. Use of limited Markov chain are given multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for solving optimization problems Convergence analysis framework, and gives an analysis of examples